The benefits of automation tools [15 Real-life examples].

How to use instagram automation tools? Win subscribers automatically on instagram. How to program your instagram automation tool efficiently.

The benefits of automation tools [15 Real-life examples].
Senior Content Writer @ BoostFluence
Automation tools
September 6, 2021

How to use instagram automation tools properly? Gain subscribers automatically on instagram. How to effectively program your instagram automation tool?

We're talking about automation tools here, and Instagram tools in particular!

Don't know what they are, find out here what instagram automation is? If you already know what it's continue this article to learn how to use them well.

First of all know that engagement is the key to winning on Instagram. If you don't actively participate, you won't be able to enjoy all the benefits of instagram.

The benefit of automation tools is that you avoid having false subscribers, which is mostly the case if you buy any. By the way, I recommend this article, if you want to buy Instagram subscribers.

The best instagram bots focus only on real followers. In other words, your automation tool must act like a real person.

There are several software programs available to automate your social networks. These have been designed to save time and effort. Many of these apps are dedicated to Instagram. Here's how to boost your Instagram account using an automation tool:

1. Target your competitors' followers.

The first tip, which is one of the most effective, is to target your competitors' followers. Indeed, if these people are interested in their accounts, why wouldn't they be interested in yours.


For this nothing could be simpler. All you have to do on Boostfluence is define a target "person". This will enable you to interact with the targeted account's subscribers and thus gain visibility among qualified people.

You'll be able to suck in their community, as it were.

cible personne outil automatisation

2. Interact with your subscribers on an ongoing basis.

Automation tools allow you to perform ongoing interractions with your community. And that's good for you.

Why? Because subscribers will get to know you as you interact with them. And when you post, they'll reciprocate.

So the more actions you take, the more likely your future posts will perform.

3. Get quality visibility.

Having subscribers is great, but having qualified subscribers is better!

To do this, you can use the auto view stories module. It will allow you to view your subscribers'stories to show them attention regularly.

This small automated action via a tool will later allow you to get more likes. Think about it.

view story automation tool

4. Check the actions of your automation tool regularly.

From time to time, you should look at how your automation is evolving.

If you find that you're not gaining that much engagement and visibility, it's highly recommended to adjust your settings and try other targets (hashtags, places, people).

5. Use automation tools to save time, not to avoid work.

If you programmed your instagram account the first time, you can leave and never look at the various settings again, that's WRONG!"

If that's the case, you're automating your account for the wrong reasons.

It's normal that you're looking for a fast and efficient way to get great results on Instagram, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that.

You'll always need to interact manually on instagram and create content for your followers.

You need to develop a stable relationship with your community. Your results will then be exponential. It's important to constantly adjust your parameters and targets to get results.

Yes, there are currently many instagram accounts that are 100% automated, but that's not what your community expects from you.

6. Focus on creating quality content.

Use the time saved with the automation of your accounts to ensure that the content present on your instagram is of very high quality. This must correctly target your audience.

If you don't post quality content, there's no point in automating your instagram, as you won't be able to keep your followers in the long term. See this article dedicated to losing Instagram followers.

To help you post the best content, here's how to make great Instagram photos.

idee photo instagram 5

7. Use an automation tool for comments.

There are some people who are against automating comments because they can be considered spam. Yet, when you automate them correctly they can become very beneficial for your account.

Well automating your comments, involves staying neutral, positive and including many parameters. This will help you avoid the spam effect. To do this, you can use Spintax.

Keep in mind that even by automating comments you can still remain relevant and avoid looking like a fake.

To make sure you don't waste time, it's best to well target the photos you want to comment. Instagram automation tools can comment on hundreds of photos every day, but in this case it will be almost impossible for you to be 100% relevant on every photo.

So take the time to target your audience precisely, even if it means testing the effectiveness of some comments manually beforehand and then scheduling them on your bot.

8. Automate likes.

Automating Instagram likes is easy. It has very little chance of appearing as spam to users and being flagged by instagram.

Liking is much less intrusive than commenting and has the power to be just as effective!

If your bot gives you the ability to link your news feed automatically, do it, the Boostfluence app will allow you to do this easily.

Automating your likes ensures you a certain amount of ongoing visibility, which is the same as paying for an Instagram ad, except it's a lot cheaper!"

9. Use an automation tool for posts.

In the same way as comments, you can also automate the sending of Instagram posts to other accounts.

Although it can be difficult to be relevant in every post, greeting your new followerswith an automated post can be a very effective method of engaging your community. In this message, you can introduce your account, the theme, your store, your product if you have any...

You won't have much choice but to create generic messages, so stay neutral and positive. Example: "Thanks for the subscription!").

Keep in mind, too, that you can, in the same way as comments, use "Spintax" technology to make less generic messages.

10. Automate the discovery and tracking of new accounts.

In many cases, the automation tools on the market have very different offerings, but they will all offer the ability to find and track Instagram accounts. In general, all you have to do is give hashtags, locations or people you want to follow.


Then, using this information, the tool will start automating the chosen action (follow, like, ...) by choosing one of the targets at random or thoughtfully for the most successful bots.

11. Automate your publishing.

Some Instagram automation bots like Boostfluence allow you to schedule posts on this social network.

Grouping your content creation over a period of time makes the task easier and allows you to focus on it just once a week, for example.

This also allows you to maintain a constant publishing rhythm, your community will thank you for it. See the article below for more information on post scheduling.

How to schedule your instagram posts easily?

scheduling post automation tool

By doing so, you don't need to manually post content every day and can focus on other tasks to develop your business/project.

12. Automate unfollows for certain accounts.

With this strategy and your automation tool, you only subscribe to people who are likely to be interested in your content.

Then wait a few days to see if they subscribe back, if they don't, use your bot to stop your subscription on that account.

Most of the time, you'll see that 20 to 35% of people will follow you back.

The final percentage can vary significantly, depending on the effectiveness of your strategy. The idea really is to use filters in your automation tool'settings to target your future audience as precisely as possible.

It's hard to think that follow/unfollow without using an automation tool will help you get results.

By manually targeting 1,000 users over the course of a week in an active niche, compared with automation, you'll find that the manual method will only yield 10% return, which is much less. Without taking into consideration all the time wasted doing this manually, you're better off using automation.

Automatically unsubscribing followers who don't follow you back will keep a good subscriber-to-subscriber ratio, a good engagement rate and show Instagram that your account is attractive.

13. Don't just use your automation tool.

Unless you've been using an Instagram bot since you created your Instagram account, I encourage you to perform a few actions manually every day to maintain an instagram top score.

It's in your best interest to avoid Instagram noticing that you've gone from 50 follows a day to 1,000 follows. The key is to make the activity look as natural as possible, which means not using all the capabilities of automation at once.

Discover here the cautions to take before automating your Instagram account.

14. Use one bot at a time.

It can be tempting to double up on actions by using multiple bots. However, the most effective approach is to limit yourself to just one.

You can use one and then the other if you're in a testing mood, but never use several bots at the same time. This greatly increases your risk of being banned. Make sure)-you also have a natural half-year of use between each bot.

Every action you take on Instagram, from creating content to simply subscribing to a user, should be done with your community in mind.

15. Take the time to reply to all comments.

To increase your engagement, take the time to reply to all your comments, even if you realize that the comments have been automated.

Taking the time to reply to every comment shows your audience that you're paying attention to them and also shows instagram that you're a real person. This is therefore crucial.

Conclusion, to make good use of instagram automation tools.

In аddіtіоn to the day-to-day work you do within your project/business, social networks and specifically Instagram are a great way to do viral marketing and stay ahead of your competitors.

All these Instagram management tasks represent a lot of time. So don't hesitate to automate your account as soon as possible, don't hesitate and save an incredible amount of time every day while getting impressive results!

The automation apps on the market give you the opportunity to have a continuous flow of traffic while federating a real community.

Some can be very expensive, at Boostfluence our tools start at a more affordable price, €15.90 per month to allow you to use the power of automation at a reduced price.

Instagram is one of the best ways to promote your business/project/others.Your competitors are probably using automation tools right now, so don't hesitate to take action. Try the Boostfluence application for free.

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