What are the Instagram actions limits per hour and day? (Following, likes, comments...)

Why does Instagram limi actions? What are Instagram's limits on following, likes and comments? How can I ensure the security of my Insta account?

What are the Instagram actions limits per hour and day? (Following, likes, comments...)
Senior Content Writer @ BoostFluence
Social Media
February 11, 2025

Wondering what the Instagram actions limits are for following, likes, comments, followers, hashtags, highlights and everything else?

Per hour and per day?

Knowing these Instagram limits is essential for automating your Instagram account. Boostfluence constantly tests the number of interactions not to exceed to ensure your account's safety.

The app also automatically regulates the number of actions your account performs automatically to make sure you don't exceed Instagram limits.

Want to gain more subscribers? Boostfluence is for you, launch your trial version today.

Now, let's get straight to the heart of the matter.

Instagram limits for established accounts

Have you had your Instagram account for months or years?

If so, here are the restrictions to be aware of:

Limits on "likes" from'Instagram

How many "likes" can you make?

  • 120 per hour, or
  • 300-500 per day
limit instagram like

Limits on "Comments" on Instagram

  • 200 per day

Time limit

Do you like or comment on other people's posts too quickly?

  • Wait 20 to 30 seconds between each "like" or "comment".
  • If you go too fast, Instagram might think you're a bot and block you.

Follow limit

How many accounts can you follow per hour or day?

  • About 10 new subscriptions per hour
  • 100-150 per day


Exceeding these limits can lead to temporary action blocks or even account restrictions. To stay within Instagram’s safe limits while growing your audience efficiently, you can use BoostFluence Auto Follow.

BoostFluence’s Auto Follow tool helps you automate your follow actions strategically and safely, ensuring you never exceed Instagram’s daily limits. The tool optimizes your following activity, mimicking human-like behavior to keep your account in good standing while maximizing engagement and audience growth.

Maximum follow limit

You can follow a maximum of 7,500 accounts.

Unfollow limit

Do you want to unsubscribe from certain accounts?

Don't do it all at once.

  • 60 unfollows per hour
  • Unfollow approximately 150 accounts per day
  • If you remove more than 150 per day, your account may be temporarily blocked.

To perform this action automatically and without risk to your account, you can use BoostFluence module auto unfollow.

Limit of combined actions

"Combined actions" are the combination of likes, comments, follows, unfollows and posts.

Globally, Instagram puts a limit on the total number of actions you can do in a day.

It's about:

  • 500 per day

As a reminder, if you automate your Instagram account, you should have the most human use possible. We therefore recommend using a variety of modules to boost your profile's visibility and gain subscribers.

Direct message limit

How often can you send Instagram messages? How many direct messages (DMs) can you send:

  • 50-70 per day

Here are some tips for not getting blocked because of DMs:

  1. Don't send exactly the same text to multiple people.
  2. Create different text versions of the same message. For example, you can use Boostfluence's spintax system for this.
  3. Send personalized messages. This will also boost your engagement rate.
  4. If you receive a lot of DMs, try to respond to them in batches (some in the morning, in the middle of the day and in the afternoon, for example, so you don't get bogged down by the action).

Post limit on Instagram

How many posts can you publish on Instagram in a day?

Instagram hasn't revealed a limit.

You can post as many times as you like in a day.

limit instagram publication


We recommend that you leave time between each publication (a few minutes, even hours).

If you post too much content all at once, Instagram's algorithm might think you're a spam account and might temporarily block your account.

If you choose to post automatically on Instagram, be sure to schedule your posts at least 5 minutes apart.

If it's less than that, you look like a fake Instagram account, the better.

User ID limit

How many people can you tag on your post?

  • For a single post: 20 people per photo
  • For carousel content: 35 users per image

Hashtag limit

How many hashtags can you use on Instagram?

  • 30 hashtags per publication

Post removal limits

Want to remove posts from your feed?

At the moment, there's no limit to the number of images you can delete from the social network at once.

Instagram limits for new accounts

Have you just created a brand-new Instagram account?

Instagram wants to make sure that new accounts aren't spam or Instagram bots.

So you'll have stricter limits on using your new profile.

This can be annoying. But I'm sure you don't want fake followers or fake accounts liking or commenting on your posts. So you'll need to show the social network a clean slate to

So these rules are important to keep fake Instagram accounts away.

If you have a new account:

Take it slow.

  • Time it: Wait 30 to 50 seconds between each action.
  • Delay between posts: To be on the safe side, post no more than 5 times a day. We recommend waiting 10 to 15 minutes between each publication (or a few hours). If you want to be even safer, post only one piece of content per day.
  • Total number of actions combined: 500 actions per day. This includes subscriptions, likes and unfollows.
  • Direct message limits: 20 to 50 DMs per day.

After 4 weeks, you can go faster and send more DMs.

Of course, this rather special usage is automatically taken care of by the Boostfluence system.

Limits of Instagram Stories

Let's now turn to the limits of Instagram Stories on the platform.

  • Number of Instagram Stories: 100 per day
  • Length of Instagram Stories: 60 seconds per video (Instagram will automatically cut the video if you exceed).
  • Dimensions of Instagram Stories: 1080 by 1920px

Limits of Instagram Highlight Stories

Highlights are the circle below your Instagram bio. They allow users to view stories you've saved as themed stories. In particular, they're one of the best features for engaging your followers on your insta page.

  • Title of featured stories: 12 characters
  • Number of Highlights you can create: Unlimited
  • Maximum number of stories per Highlight: 100
limits insta story a la une

Instagram account profile limits

Here are some other useful limits and rules on Instagram:

  • User name: 30 characters
  • Instagram bio: 150 characters
  • Square post size: 1080 by 1080px
  • Dimensions of'a portrait post: 1080 x 1350px
  • Dimensions of'a landscape content: 1080 x 608px
  • Maximum duration of feed videos: 1 hour
  • Maximum duration of real video: 1 minute
  • Captions: 2200 characters
  • Instagram account limit: 5 connected accounts

Why has Instagram set these limits?

To limit spam and fake accounts.

Spam and fake accounts like, comment on photos and generally send lots of messages, quickly. With no regard for the comfort of other users on the social network.

The Instagram algorithm therefore wants to remove them to keep only real people using the platform.

This is specifically why the social network can set up blocks on your profile.

What happens if you exceed Instagram's daily limits?

2 things can happen:

  1. Blocking the action: You may see a pop-up message that says "Try again later". This means that your action is blocked.
  2. Account deletion: Your account could be deleted / banned temporarily or indefinitely. In this case, a reactivation form may be completed.

How to avoid being blocked or banned:

Here are 4 tips you can do to avoid Instagram blocking:

Step 1. Go slower

Don't do too many actions too quickly.

For example, don't like or post a comment every 30 seconds. Otherwise, you won't seem human.

Step 2. Space out your tasks on Instagram

Many of you have your own business and may not want to spend a lot of time on Instagram.

If you can, try dividing your time on Instagram into tasks and set your own limits on Instagram.

For example:

  • Morning: Reply to DMs (15 minutes)
  • Afternoon: Like and comment on other users accounts on News Feed (15 minutes).

This will help you not exceed Instagram limits.

Step 3. Use your account regularly

If you have a brand-new account, try to use your account regularly.

This will show Instagram that you act like a human and boost your page's visibility.

You can also use the network's various features. Posting real, photos, videos in stories will help show that your account is indeed authentic.

Step 4. Avoid buying followers and bad Instagram bots.

There are thousands of sites to boost the visibility of your Instagram page or buy subscribers. But not all of them are good to use.

So choose carefully who you give access to your Instagram account. Boostfluence, for example, sets up all the systems to automate your account and gain more subscribers while ensuring the security of your Instagram account.

Feel free to test the app for yourself.

We hope these few tips will help you get a better grasp of the Instagram algorithm and its limits on subscriptions, likes, etc.

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