How to turn Instagram black and activate dark mode | Android and IOS

Here's how to switch Instagram to a dark mode to have the app's interface in black. How to turn Instagram black in less than 2 minutes on Android and IOS?

How to turn Instagram black and activate dark mode | Android and IOS
Senior Content Writer @ BoostFluence
Social Media
November 10, 2022

If you're looking for how to switch Instagram to dark mode on Android or IOS, this article is for you. We'll guide you through the steps to set Instagram to dark.

Dark mode isn't just about looks. It's known to reduce your device's battery consumption and minimize the impact on your eyes when using the app in low-light conditions.

This mode can be easily switched on and off, allowing you to revert to light mode if you wish.

This practical step-by-step guide will show you how to activate this dark mode on iOS 13 or later, as well as on Android versions that support this feature.

We'll also cover the importance of this feature, its impact on the user experience and the benefits it offers in terms of energy consumption.

For all Instagram users looking to improve their experience and looking for how to switch Instagram directly to dark mode, this guide offers clear and simple solutions.

So, find out how you can reap the benefits of this update and optimize your Instagram experience by enabling or disabling dark mode according to your preferences, while browsing the web or using apps.

instagram dark mode


Why use dark mode and how to turn Instagram black?

Instagram's dark mode is one of those features worth learning how to use.

Not only does this darker palette offer a more immersive display of images and videos, it also comes with a host of other benefits that will make your life better and easier. If you feel like going over to the dark side, this guide will show you how.

Whether you've got the best iPhone or one of the best Android phones, it's super simple to use Instagram's dark mode. And trust us, making the switch is actually worth it.

In addition to making images and videos stand out like never before. Dark mode drastically reduces the bright light that so many of us are exposed to throughout the day. Which means you'll experience far less eye strain, especially at night.

Switching to the dark version of Instagram is a good idea, isn't it? Well, the benefits don't stop there. Switching to dark mode on Instagram isn't just for aesthetics.

Dark mode tends to consume much less battery than normal mode, especially if you have a smartphone with an AMOLED screen like the Google Pixel 6 or one of Apple's new iPhone 13 models. This type of panel completely switches off the pixels when they're displaying black, lowering its power consumption.

Having less battery consumption is life-saving for those of us who spend a lot of time scrolling through images and watching videos on your feed Instagram. While the savings won't surprise you, what they say about mobile devices is true: every minute counts.

In summary, Instagram's dark mode does 3 things:

  1. Improve the app's aesthetics and image rendering
  2. Save battery power on your device
  3. Protect your eyes by reducing brightness and blue light.

So, whether you're looking to protect your vision or save energy, it's clear that Instagram's dark mode brings a range of benefits that make switching to it a no-brainer.

To help you do just that, we've compiled a set of handy instructions to guide you through the process of setting up Instagram's dark mode on your iOS and Android devices.

It's not hard to do either, so the whole process will be quick, simple and totally painless.

Many apps offer this mode so don't hesitate to apply it on this one too (TikTok, WhatsApp, Google...)

whatsapp dark mode

How to enable Instagram dark mode on iPhone iOS?

Enabling Instagram dark mode for iPhone (Instagram isn't optimized - or may never be - for iPads) isn't very hard to do.

If you have an iPhone running iOS 15 or have recently upgraded to the iPhone 13 series, these steps will enable you to change its system settings and use the Instagram app in dark mode.

  1. Open your phone's settings
  2. Select "Display and Brightness" to access the necessary settings.
  3. Click on "Dark" to change the theme
  4. Launch Instagram and access the new version.
how to darken instagram

Your profile will have changed appearance and your entire screen will now be much darker with less brightness.

How to darken Instagram for Android

Activating Instagram's dark mode for your Android smartphone is just as simple. To activate it for a phone running Android 12, just follow these four steps:

  1. Open your phone's settings.
  2. Scroll down to "Display".
  3. Click on the "Dark Theme" button.
  4. Launch Instagram.

Congratulations! You've successfully set your phone and Instagram app to dark mode.

Note that this change only impacts your version, other users will have no change on their device.

Users use the dark theme on the mobile app to save battery

Instagram's dark mode option may save power, but if you're on it all day, you'll need to find other ways to extend your battery life.

Thankfully, there are other steps you can take to conserve a little extra juice. If Instagram or social networks are draining your phone's battery, you'll want to know about them.

To scroll you, Instagram preloads images and videos, but you can limit this behavior. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the menu icon at the top right of the app, then the settings icon at the bottom.
  3. Tap " Account ", then " Mobile data usage "
  4. Finally, activate " Data saver ".

This will prevent videos from loading in advance. They will therefore only be downloaded when you choose to play them. It's unlikely to have much effect, but if you regularly find your mobile's battery is down to 10% and you don't have a charger in sight, every little trick counts.

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